Lørdag 16. juli 2022: WONDERFUL (Sang nr 316 på 316 dager – 49 sanger igjen…)
Tekst og melodi: Harald


Nå vet jeg hvorfor jeg liker Johhny! Han sier at jeg er flink, litt treg, men flink! Da blir jeg glad 🙂
Jeg forsøkte sikkert å si til Johhny at denne teksten er så dårlig at ingen kan synge den, men til ingen nytte. Han bare gliser: It’s straight from the heart…




You, you look so wonderful – and you are mi-mi-mi mi mine

I – I just can’t live without you – cause I’m gonna di-di-didi die



I’ve been dreaming about you –  for so long

That’s why I made this song

I’ve been dreaming about you –  for so long

That’s why I sing this song


You are so beautiful – and you are mi-mi-mimi mine

I – I’M LOOSING MY MIND  – I’m gonna di-di-didi die


I’ve been dreaming about you –  for so long

That’s why I made this song

I’ve been dreaming about you –  for so long

That’s why I sing this song




You are so beautiful – I don’t want to fight no more

But  I’m hurt- my mind is full of dirt

I want to hurt you – as you did to me

I don’t know what to say – it’s the same every single day

I can’t stop drinking – the bomb in my head is ticking

The pain is huge

I want to end

End it now



You, you look so wonderful – and you are mi-mi-mimi mine

I – I just can’t live without you – cause I’m gonna di-di-didi die